So when your doc tells you that you need to get a little more potassium into your diet, you don't just heed the warning, you go all out.
Healthy ChoiceYou know, there are other foods rich in potassium besides bananas: yogurt, spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados. You'll be positively glowing—the picture of radiant health—in this hilarious costume!Fun DetailsThis costume is as simple to wear as, well, peeling a banana! How much more banana can I eat?Have you considered getting nutrients by osmosis? It's a bright yellow banana-shaped tunic that can easily top any of your everyday clothes (we prefer all black or all white underneath, for simplicity). Team up with a trio of other fruits for a fun group look or just fly solo as a healthy little snack, yourself. You could maybe go easy on the bananas a bit.