You can do that easily when you pick up this officially licensed National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Sweater!
Holiday Fun on Your SleeveWhen it comes to Christmas cheer, there are many different classic movie characters that might inspire you.Best yet, the wild design will bring all the fun of the classic Christmas movie wherever you go! National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Sweater for Adults Made of warm acrylic and featuring rib-knit cuffs, you'll have warmth and comfort with ease. Maybe you're all about gleaming red, and the idea of looking at the neighborhood from high above it all as though you were flying!Of course, if you don't want to limit yourself to Grinchy green or Rudolph red, why not get both at once and go with Griswald Greatness!. Perhaps you're a fan of green, and cold mountainous areas might get you going.