It's odd that they'd be captivated by the same kinds of things that can draw our attention for hours at a time.
Rainbow Brite Dog Costume | Pet Costumes for Dogs Rainbow Brite seems to have a way of bringing shining color to our four-legged friends just the same as us!. Top off the look with the purple bow that clips onto your four-legged friend's fuzz and they're ready to bring just as much color to the world as Rainbow Brite does! Instead of watching a bunch of folks make up cakes under a bright tent, they tend to prefer more furry fare. Sure, they are really only connecting with the shimmering yellow and bold blue of Rainbow Brite's design, but it is always a fun time, anyway.Animal AnimationsDo you have a pet who loves to watch the television? If you'd like to offer up a bit more glitz, we have the perfect way to do so with this Rainbow Brite Pet Costume.