The iconic purple jumpsuit mimics Share's signature fur, and the hood is embroidered to look just like your favorite Care Bear, down to the ears and 3D nose!
Bedtime, Cheer, Love-a-lot, Tenderheart—you cherish them all equally. You probably can't say the same for perms, now can you?Fun DetailsThis look will make you instantly recognizable as Share Bear, the most generous of the Care Bears. The applique of two criss-crossed lollipops shows everyone which bear you're embodying (PS, did you know the original Share Bear symbol was an ice cream float with two straws?). So while it's great to bring those cupcakes to your pal's party, don't forget to share all of your luminous personality with those you love most! Share the 80sThere are quite a few things that truly cement you as a child of the 80s.