Egg Costume | Food Costumes It has all the components of a perfectly cooked egg, without the hassle or time! Best to travel with a dozen eggs and hash browns and be ready to hop into the kitchen in order to ward off any immediate cravings.
Whatever kind of beer you choose to be, we hope that it suits your personality. Maybe a little bold? All you'll need is a beer you can actually drink and your costume will be complete! HEY, CAN YOU PASS ME A BEER? While you are out on the town, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to make beer jokes. If you consider yourself a truly sweet character, couldn't hurt a fly, then you are undoubtedly a shandy.
You don't fight with your hands or your pit; you don't even fight with your mind. When you show up, you hit the bad guys with a refreshing dose of Vitamin C and Potassium! It's a tunic made out of polyester and foam that has been detailed to look just like an avocado! It might not be your typical hero costume, but a typical hero is not what the people need! AVOCADO MANWhen you go out in your avocado costume, it will become your duty to educate the world on the health benefits of avocados.