Now you can focus your attention on more important things, like reaching the next level of your training, or finally feeling welcome at all the elite wizarding parties! Light Up Dragon Wizard Staff The orb lights up when you press the button, so you can add flair to any spell you cast with your new favorite staff!Next Level WizardIsn't that a load off your mind to have finally found the perfect staff for you? Staff SearchA wizard and his staff have a magical connection that cannot be broken. You have a few hand-me-down staffs, and one you bought on clearance, but now you're ready to invest in your very own essential piece of wizard equipment.You've been on the hunt for your "forever staff," the one magical accessory that will help catapult you to the next level of spells and enchantments.
You have a few hand-me-down staffs, and one you bought on clearance, but now you're ready to invest in your very own essential piece of wizard equipment.
.You've been on the hunt for your "forever staff," the one magical accessory that will help catapult you to the next level of spells and enchantments. You have a few hand-me-down staffs, and one you bought on clearance, but now you're ready to invest in your very own essential piece of wizard equipment.