This full costume features the look Thanos had in his full armored glory along with the Infinity Gauntlet. Either one makes him pretty formidable, but both!? It's a good thing that your kiddo will be having too much fun in this look to start any snapping.
. Between that smoldering cool-anger and comics telling us that he could even find a way to blend the proverbial Hyde with his Jeckle and the self-care that Hulk has been doing for himself, we could see a Hulk who manages to do his job with a much smaller frame! Perhaps the grumpy looking mask doesn't show the Hulk in that super calm mindset. THE LITTLEST GREEN GUYWhen your kiddo climbs into this Incredible Hulk costume, we'll finally know just how adorable and ferocious the Hulk could be when his size goes the other way.