It's made of the same fabric as the dress and will have you matching from head to toe. 70'S VIBES When you put on this costume, make sure that you are in fact feelin' groovy!
If you're not feeling groovy, you won't really be able to appreciate this dress. It's all about the good vibes man! Plus Size Feelin' Groovy Women's Costume Dress | 70s Costumes No dress is complete without some accessories, and we knew we couldn't leave you emptyhanded! Now go out and live it! FEELIN' GROOVYThis dress is called feeling groovy, but feeling groovy isn't just the name of a dress, it's a lifestyle! You throw on some ABBA and become the dancing queen until the end of the song. You aren't just happy because you don't have problems, you are happy DESPITE them! It's made of 100% polyester and has a psychedelic red, pink, and white pattern on the whole dress! It might sound mundane, but doesn't it sound nice? Like we said, feelin' groovy isn't just the name of this dress, it's a lifestyle!.