Claw your way to the top of the costume contest when you wear this dress out!
. Girl of Your DreamsBeing the girl of someone’s dreams is a lot of pressure for anyone to handle, especially someone with as many responsibilities as you! With this costume on, no one will be able to say that you don’t look killer all the time, so that will be a load off when it comes to handling your fashion choices! Freddy Krueger Costume Dress for Women | Freddy Krueger Costumes Not only are you expected to take care of all the usual killings and hauntings that are associated with Freddy Krueger, but now you also have the extra visibility that comes with that dreamy title?Well, we know you can handle it.The loose ends and frayed parts will make you look like you are falling apart in a good way! The cuffs, collar, and hemline stretch to give the dress that cute, fitted look that will work all year long!Dressed to ImpressIf you are looking for the perfectly cute way to cosplay a horrible murderer, then this is the costume for you! With that stress taken away, you will be free to scare people to death with all the confidence and dreamlike horror you were meant to have!Killer LooksDressing like Freddy Krueger is probably the best way to make sure people call you dreamy and that is even more true when you wear this Freddy Krueger Dress Costume.