You'll also get a faux leather tiara, a foam belt, the foam gauntlets have a metallic finish, and red and gold boot covers that snap over whatever shoes you'd like with an elastic band. And hey, if you want to train for this, we're sure it'll be more fun than that eye-drying training video.
Learning to be a hardcore, evil-crushing superheroine has got to be more fun than learning how to protect your wrists from carpal tunnel in a long-winded video! Now, we can't hook you up with a band of Amazonian warriors to train with but we can make you feel like you're coming straight from learning to throttle evil in Themyscira when you're wearing this gorgeous costume! The romper zips up the side, giving you a seamless look. Yeah, you're probably not the offspring of the Queen of the Amazons and all-powerful Zeus but that doesn’t mean you don't deserve interesting training. What's the most arduous job training you've ever been through? Which would you rather do, spend years doing hardcore training with Amazons so that you can save the civilized world from themselves or sit through that training video again? Wonder Woman Classic Costume | Wonder Woman Costumes Did you have to sit through hours of training videos that spiraled you into a cloud of ennui that'll follow you throughout the entirety of that job? The fighting drill scenes between all the tough women on Themyscira looked difficult, don't get us wrong, but didn't they look pretty fun as well? The bust is constructed with foam for a stunning shape and has a metallic finish. Yeah, we'd skip to the island too.